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Webinar series for 2023

The following webinars are planned for 2023. See the events page for more details.

1. Stem cell data principles and case studies from China and Norway, 15 March 2023 ​​​

2. Stem Cell Terminologies, May 2023 Principles of established stem cell terminologies and ontogenies (Andreas Kurtz/Stefanie Seltmann, Fraunhofer IBMT)

  • The Cell Atlas project (speaker TBC)

  • Case study from TC276 ISO Standard on Stem, Cell Data Interoperability (TBC).

3. Capturing Consent for Donor Tissue in Stem Cell Research, July 2023 Fundamentals of consent and the hPScreg model (speaker TBC),

  • International diversity and the ISSCR model (Rosario Isasi, University of Miami)

4. International Data Protection Regulation and Stem Cell Research, September 2023. Speakers to be confirmed. Case studies from:

  • European Union

  • China

  • Japan

  • Korea

  • USA

5. AI Tools for Stem Cell Utility, December 2023.

  • Dynamic consent and interrogating stem cell data (Nancy Mah, Fraunhofer IBMT)

  • Manufacturing (speaker TBC),

  • Ethical issues to be addressed in the use of AI (speaker TBC)

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