A Global Network of Stem Cell Banks
The ISCBI was initiated in 2007 with funding from the International Stem Cell Forum to create a global network of stem cell banks, both by coordinating existing pluripotent stem cell banks and also supporting those who are setting up new stem cell resource centres.

A Global Network
A community of more than 200 professionals from 28 countries bring together expertise in stem cell research, biobanking, regulation and public policy development.
Regular expert workshops are held to discuss a broad range of issues for best practice in the biobanking and use of pluripotent stem cells.
In particular we have a close collaboration with the international human Pluripotent Stem Cell registry https://hpscreg.eu/

A Forum for Expert Consensus
The ISCBI is directed by an international Steering Group that is focused on promoting discussion on the dissemination and use of pluripotent stem cells and training in stem cell biobanking.
The ISCBI community publishes influential reports representing consensus from leaders in stem cell science, ethics, manufacture and regulation.

A Network of Professionals
The ISCBI primarily comprises directors and senior professionals involved in the dissemination and use of pluripotent stem cell lines and in providing specialist training in their culture and biobanking.
ISCBI also actively engages experts from industry, regulatory bodies and policy groups representing diverse geographical jurisdictions. Many of its participants are actively involved in delivering cells and reagents for clinical application as well as diagnostics and research.